Here at SEE, we call this division “Re-Evolution: Build A Better Team” because we will “re-evolutionize” your team to meet the outcomes you expect from corporate training and teambuilding sessions. We offer a number of colourful, fun and purposeful concepts to help you achieve your outcomes.

Also contact us for ideas on CORPORATE ACTING where we supply professional actors to work within your organization on projects that require an outsider’s perspective or where you would like to bring your team in contact with archetypal clients and customers. (However, without the blood, sweat and tears of the real world to stain the office floor coverings.)


Corporate Training and Team Building Concepts

Indoors or outdoors, the options are limitless, the fun endless and the results priceless.

Choose from one of these concepts or we can create the perfect event to meet your specifications. Half or full day options available or use them in and around a conference dinner setting.

Spy Factor


James Bond’s favourite boffin Q teams up with Emma Peel (from "The Avengers") to test the teams with specially written games and challenges to find out which one will be the next crack secret agent team, the ones with The Spy Factor.


The wackiest hours of team building ever devised! Alice’s tea party host knows a thing or two about making things happen. A variety of activities, quizzes, games and challenges are available to create the right event and outcomes for you.

On your marks…
Get ready…

The Madde Matter sends teams out in the city to locate some of the statues and monuments which abound, however armed only with his quirky clues and a digital camera to record the progress.


Everyone loves a treasure hunt – especially when there are prizes (and pride) at stake. Captain Roger Jolly loves treasure and has set a course for team building fun and a result-filled outcome. Whether it’s around a conference venue or around a city, Treasure Ahoy! is sure to strike gold and uncover your team’s buried treasure.

Also ideal for your team’s Re-Evolution are:

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Always want to be the one that knows “something else” before anyone else? Then, sign up for our newsletter and be amongst the first to know about upcoming events and things of interest!


Email Address

Blair Martin
Images and concepts copyright to SEE and selected images on this site created by Pseudoimagery.| Site designed and hosted by Oley Media Group